19 February
kinder bueno ice cream corner 90 ml - product's photo
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Kinder bueno Ice cream Corner 90 ml

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Company name
Den Wilman BV
Product located
Brand name
Kinder Bueno
Product features
Nature, Nutritious, Organic, Vitamins
Product status
Product type
Bulk, Organic
Country original
Shipment terms
Product description
Hazelnut dairy ice cream and milk chocolate sauce finger (5%) (made with 10% milk chocolate) in a wafer cone (13%) with cocoa flavour coating (6%), topped with hazelnut compound disk (12%) and chocolate pieces (1.5%) Kinder Bueno Ice Cream Cone With roasted hazelnuts and creamy hazelnut ice cream With a tasty hazelnut disk, topped with carefully roasted hazelnuts and chocolate pieces With a filling of milk chocolate sauce Crunchy cone with a chocolatey tip

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