19 February
red bull energy drink offer - product's photo
Negotiable price

Red bull energy drink offer

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Company name
Ess-Food A/S
Product located
Product status
Product type
Packed, Inorganic
Country original
Product description
The popularity and sale of energy drinks based on their property of stimulating and enhancing the activity of the body effect. Buy energy drinks and everyone can, despite the fact that some of them contain up to 8% alcohol. In addition, they have a high calorific value due to sugar, which is quickly absorbed source of energy. The main effect of energy drinks, wholesale purchased cafes, restaurants, fast-fudami and shops, lies in the content of caffeine, taurine, guarana or other stimulants in the liquid. A large number of gas helps their digestion, so that burst of elation lasts from 1 to 4 hours. These drinks, tonic and energy, the price makes them very popular among young people, have recently and rapidly spread around the world. Now they rarely without cost club parties and noisy meetings, successfully replacing more dangerous to the health of alcohol and operating less efficiently coffee.

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