16 September 2016
various types of cute birthday gift candy with strawberry flavor made in japan - product's photo
$ 5 / per 1 unit

Various types of Cute birthday gift candy with strawberry flavor made in Japan

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Company name
Takahiro Ito
Product located
Japan, osaka
Brand name
sinmido confectionery co.,ltd.
Product status
Product type
Quantity available
200 carton per 1 months
Shelf life
12 months
Country original
Product description
Various types of Cute birthday gift candy with strawberry flavor made in Japan sugar candy Strawberry-flavored sugar candies: because it comes in lollipop form, it's the best for being part of a bouquet and given as a gift For example, people will definitely love it as a gift for weddings, birthdays, office parties, Halloween, Christmas, etc. It can also be given as an expression of gratitude, a present, or any other variety of uses. Or, of course, for yourself Sugar is used in many celebrations throughout Japan. We are offering our product as such: instead of just giving plain sugar as a gift, we made it into sugar candies, with cute wrapping to make it more enjoyable for everyone. Individually wrapped candies just like the picture below We are honored to have the privilege of offering a product that meets everyone's demands.

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