News about meat, game and poultry

Beef steaks can be of premium class and alternative. The latter significantly differ in price, but to taste some inexpensive steaks are not inferior to premium ones. Therefore, you can always buy a steak at a low price and cook a plush dish. It is necessary to know only a few subtleties, which we will tell you today.

World meat production has grown by an average of 2.1% annually over the past 20 years, exceeding 310 million tons in 2015. Poultry produce grew at the highest rates - by 3.6% per year. If in 1995, the share of it was at the level of 27%, then in 2015 it reached 36%. Slower production of beef (together with buffalo meat) grew by an average of 1% per year during 1995-2015. However, the share of beef, like pork, declined and amounted to 22% and 38% in 2015, respectively. It is interesting that all this time in the world pork was more largely produced, but now the poultry almost caught up with it and, apparently, will be number 1 in the coming years.

Marbled meat, the price of which depends on many factors, is loved by many gourmets for its rich taste and aroma. Buy marble beef is very simple; just find a specialized butcher shop.

Beef manufacturing from cows continues to grow in France, which, in its turn shows a decline in demand for imports, which affects the wholesale prices for meat in important countries-suppliers. France is a key market for beef from cows in the EU and, therefore, the growth of domestic farms inevitably has an impact on the European Union market. France is also a major producer of veal from the bulls. Recent projections show that meat production will grow, i.e. this year, the growth will continue the fourth year in a row. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that anyway it would be only slightly higher than in 2012. But then, it should be considered on the basis of the reduction of consumption of veal in France that is marked since then.

The January price index for meat is "stopped" at the level of 156.7. That remained almost unchanged relative to December adjusted index. Thus, the rise in prices for beef lamb balances the reduction in prices for lamb and a slight weakening of quotations of poultry and pork. Restoration of cattle livestock in Australia limited the beef offer from exporters and led to the rise in prices. In the case of lamb, Oceania export prices fell a third consecutive month, reflecting seasonal peak slaughter and supply of this type of meat. Global quotation pork and poultry are also reduced for three months because of brisk supply and stable moderate demand.

This year, prices on the meat market will be under pressure because of the increase in supply. Although the consumption of meat in the world continues to grow, the highest offer and increasing competition in the market will create new challenges for manufacturers and exporters of meat by increasing the downward pressure on prices and profits.

Owners of restaurants and steakhouses prefer to buy wholesale steaks. This is very beneficial when it comes to large batches of meat products. But even if you're not a restaurateur or owner of the cafe, buying steaks in bulk will be very profitable, and here's why.