Georgian Wine Agency summed up the results of exports of wine and various alcoholic beverages in 2016. Statistics shows the considerable rise of exports towards the EU, USA, and other markets. In 2016 Georgian manufacturers of wine exported 50 m bottles (0.75 l.) to 53 countries, 38% more than the previous year. In the reporting period, was exported wine worth 114 m US dollars, 16% more than in 2015.
In the past two months, the grain markets were growing up in response to the expiration of the December contracts and the weakening of the US dollar, as well as on the output of the first USDA report on upcoming crops of US farmers in the 2017-2018 season. Farmers have reported a sharp reduction in winter wheat plantings to 32.4 million acres (-10.4% for the season 2016-2017), as well as on the planned common wheat crops in the area of 45.68 million acres versus 50.2 million acres planted in the 2016-2017 season. Crops of corn in the season 2017-2018 in the United States are estimated at 90.49 million acres, which is 3.7% lower than in the 2016-2017 season. The report provoked a sharp rise in grain prices, but as time passed USDA reported that in collecting data, there are significant gaps that may mean insufficient full coverage of farmers and at the beginning of the season 2017-2018 causing a material adjustment of the crops data upwards.
One of the biggest expenses for a restaurant is the value of goods or the cost of food. Taking into account these costs, you can decide to open or close the restaurant. Food costs play an important role in the success of the restaurant. In fact, most new restaurants burn through because they are unable to control costs and cannot find reliable wholesale food suppliers, to buy high-quality products at the best prices. How to learn to control food costs and what is the complexity?
This year, prices on the meat market will be under pressure because of the increase in supply. Although the consumption of meat in the world continues to grow, the highest offer and increasing competition in the market will create new challenges for manufacturers and exporters of meat by increasing the downward pressure on prices and profits.
The leading positions among the biggest exporters of shrimp worldwide in 2016 stayed unchanged. Chinese, Ecuadorian, Indonesian, Indian, and Thai shrimps are the most popular in the countries that are unable to grow them. While the global stocks are stabilized, the shrimp suppliers in Asia struggled with a series of problems in the cropping season: unfavorable weather conditions, the problem of the spread of diseases, disadvantageous prices and a sales slowdown in the US.
The largest segment of the global fruit and vegetable market is the Asia-Pacific region (about 68.1% of the total cost volume) and the main producer, exporter and importer is China. China accounts for more than half of world production and exports of apples. Processing is exposed only on a quarter of them. Other apples are consumed fresh. China also has a leading position in the world in the production and export of carrots and turnips. The expediency of studying the Chinese approach to dealing with fruit and vegetable raw materials is obvious.
Due to the inclement weather in the two major producing countries, the global coffee market is expecting another jump in prices. Brazil, which is a major manufacturer and exporter of coffee, is suffering from drought, and Vietnam, which ranks second in production, - from the incessant rains. This significant decline in production is against the background of growing demand
English wine producers are seeing an increase of interest in the product, not only locally, but also from abroad: a decent English wine is much cheaper than the French.
In recent years, there is a tendency to a reduction of dairy sales. By December 2016 the wholesale raw milk price increased by 40%whilst milk food- by approximately a quarter. The downdrift won't stop in 2017. Companies will demonstrate the yields stability, but only by improving the large operators' productivity. Many small manufacturing companies will leave the business.
As you know, Norway and Scotland are the largest salmon producers. But because of the terrible sea lice epidemic, the number of fish in specialized farms decreased by 9%. It led to the problems with the export of salmon and the price increase.
Owners of restaurants and steakhouses prefer to buy wholesale steaks. This is very beneficial when it comes to large batches of meat products. But even if you're not a restaurateur or owner of the cafe, buying steaks in bulk will be very profitable, and here's why.