News about food market

Great Britain is a country of traditions. But although cosmopolitan London and Manchester have long absorbed a hundred foreign customs, there are things that will remain unchanged. At the same time, conservatism manifests itself not only in veneration of the royal family and high level of education. We see it in the original humor of the British, the style of clothing, and also the products and dishes that are preferred here. And what are the prices for food in the markets and catering? Let's consider in more detail.

By 2050, the world's population will increase to 9.7 billion people. Will they have enough food for everyone to eat? Scientists say that enough. In all likelihood, in the future, mankind will consume less meat. The transition will be smooth and painless due to the appearance of quality substitutes. Already today, under the influence of fashion on a healthy lifestyle and for ethical reasons, residents of developed countries are actively switching to “green” food. For example, in the US, more than 30% of consumers call themselves "flexitarians". They are not against meat, but, if possible, choose “green” dishes.

Germans - butter, and Czechs and Poles - palm. European producers and exporters of food products were at the center of the scandal. The same products - one brand, one manufacturer - are very different in Western Europe and in the East. Authorities of Eastern European countries found that in their stores, food is worse - meat is less, instead of animal fats, vegetable, and in the same packages, under the same brands.

Prices for cereals in world markets continued to fall, continuing to win back USDA forecasts for a growing crop. The weakening of the dollar, new auctions for the purchase of grain and the restoration of oil allowed restraining the decline. At the Chicago Commodity Exchange, May wheat contracts fell by 1% from 440.5 to 436.25 USD/100 bush, for corn rose 0.8% from 364.25 to 367.25 USD/100 bush, on soybean declined - On 0,6% from 1006,5 to 1000 USD/100 dollars.

Natural olive oil - a product not cheap, but many of you for certain noticed, that the prices for different grades of it can strongly differ. What determines the cost of olive oil and how to purchase a quality product for a reasonable price?

The conditions on the planet are constantly changing, and not always for the better. This leads not only to climate change, extinction of some species but also to the problems with the reduction of food resources. It is possible that in the future some traditional products can disappear. It is likely that price for foods from the list below will grow, and many manufacturers and distributors of food products will have to find something new instead.

Trade and foreign economic relations, piercing the globe along and across, enabled the modern man to use products from almost every corner of the world. The most revealing in this regard is the path of spices that over the centuries have overcome the journey from incredibly expensive exotics commensurate with the price of gold to the usual kitchens of houses, cafes and restaurants, bakeries and confectioneries, food shops, store shelves and market areas.

The company Mintel presented the main trends of the global food market of the year 2017. The world's top-level analytical company presented six basic trends that are going affect the FMCG business. The experts predict some surprises in the global food market while maintaining this segment of the global economy. As before, the development of the direction of functional and healthy products remains the main trends.

The paradoxical situation is in poor developing countries:, they are forced to import food from the rich countries in the form of grain, suffering from a lack of it. Each year, these imports are around three million tons, while those same poor countries annually export about four million tons of oilseeds and fishmeal, which have a higher protein value than corn, and in the western countries are used for animal feed.
One-third of African crops of peanuts enter the stomach of cattle and poultry in Western Europe.

The representatives of the International Organization of a Healthy Meal, called the manufacturers and suppliers of food products in the world more closely relate to the composition of the products they produce.

Denmark, which is one of the world leaders in the consumption, distribution, and wholesale of organic products in 2020, is going to be the "100% organic country."

A huge range of products and brands on the shelves of shops and supermarkets create the illusion of a wide selection. In fact, there are 9 major companies, which control the entire FMCG business at the global level.